From 21-26 June 2014, we will be participating in the Science in the City Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Part of this year’s Euroscience Open Forum, the festival’s goal is to build bridges between researchers, delegates and the general public using interactive exhibits.
We will have a stand at the festival in the Carlsberg City District, together with the other GTS institutes (a group of nine independent Danish research and technology organisations). This year’s stand theme will be a Science Zoo – an exploratorium where kids and adults can experience first-hand some of the latest technologies the different institutes have to offer, including:
- Aqua Republica (DHI) – our serious game that allows users to learn about the connectivity and importance of water resources
- MapMyClimate (DHI) – a unique climate portal that helps users better understand the link between the climate and our consumption habits
- Solar hammock (The Alexandra Institute) – experience how the latest IT trends can be integrated within textiles
- IdemoBits (DELTA) – a set of electronic building blocks that can be combined in a number of ways
- Urban Greening (AgroTech) – green roofs (one which has a vegetative layer growing on it) in the city
- Nanotechnology in our everyday life (The Danish Technological Institute) – the use of nanotechnology in hearing aids, trucks, drones and welfare robots
- 更新自己使用干细胞(Bioneer)——未来的工具cells in the treatment of diseases
The GTS institutes, including us, will also be hosting a reception during the Science Zoo. Stop by tent number 54 in the “Discover” area on 25 June 2014 from 16:00 to 17:30 to meet with us, eat some snacks and drink a glass of wine.
The Science in the City Festival is open to everyone.
Science in the City Festival
Carlsberg City District
Ny Carlsberg Vej
1760 Copenhagen V