To assist the Nile Basin riparian countries with equitably sharing the Nile’s water resources, we helped the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) develop the Nile Basin Decision Support System (NB DSS).
Millions of people in 11 countries depend on the waters of the Nile River. In Egypt alone, more than 65 million people rely on it for their livelihood. In the coming years, population and economic growth in Egypt and the upstream countries will put additional strain on the water resources of the Nile. This could potentially lead to conflicts over water and lost cooperative development opportunities.
To encourage the sustainable socio-economic development of the Nile, ten of the Nile Basin countries – represented by the NBI – have agreed to:
- develop the water resources of the Nile River in a cooperative manner
- share socio-economic benefits
- promote regional peace and stability
Developed with the NBI and driven by our MIKE CUSTOMISED by DHI Platform, the NB DSS provides scientifically accepted methods for quantifying the value of water. It integrates climatological, hydrological and environmental data with:
- water simulation tools
- scenario analyses tools
- cost-benefit and multi-criteria analyses tools
The NB DSS also allows for the publishing and sharing of data, models and information between NBI members. The transparency and objectivity provided by the system will help build trust among the countries. This will enable authorities to manage the waters of the Nile in a cooperative and sustainable manner.