


“ .. Mike系统被证明是极其用户友好和高效的。...提供更多时间来考虑科学”

奥利弗·琼斯(Oliver Jones)在最近在英国举行的DHI软件用户组会议(UGM)上作出了这种热情的认可。奥利弗(Oliver)正在伦敦大学学院(UCL)攻读博士学位,并在学习过程中使用了许多不同的建模工具。他与DHI的合作以及对技术的使用使他能够更多地专注于科学应用,而不是单调建模任务。

“我已将新的Mike 21 FM系列应用于英国水域的两个病例。第一个是在构造solent区域的详细流体动力模型,第二个是在布里斯托尔通道的完全耦合的流体动力学,波和形态模型中”。,,,,奥利弗·琼斯(Oliver Jones)说,继续:

"The Solent study was a collaborative project between ABPmer, DHI and Microsoft, and was being used as a technical test case for the launch of Microsoft’s new 64 bit operating system. We selected the Solent region because of the variety of coastal environments that exist there and also for its importance as a shipping hub and haven for marine recreation. Having the capability of locally refining dynamic and complex areas in the flexible mesh system was extremely useful. The model performed well, especially in the many inter-tidal zones. The model was also tested with a dynamic land boundary in which the extent of the wet zone was dictated by real coastal topography rather than a fixed boundary. This approach requires high resolution inter and supra-tidal topography and can cost extra computational time. However, if sufficient detail is available, the near-shore region can be much more accurately resolved and the results are available in a form that provides eye-catching presentations and animations. Also useful in the Solent study, was the post-processing capability of the MIKE system which proved to be extremely user-friendly and efficient. The system provides quick access to the results which can be presented in a clear and informative way, providing more time to consider the science.

第二个应用是在英国西部的一个大型宏观河口中的布里斯托通道。我的主要兴趣是了解该地区北部地区沉积物运输与线性砂盘之间的形态关系。沙洲的位置似乎固定在著名的沿海岬角上,其作为海洋总资源的作用是广泛的环境诉讼和关注的主题。极端波动事件和大潮汐的结合为极为复杂的建模环境提供了背景。该项目的最大挑战是解决贡献过程的不同空间和时间尺度。在一个级别上,区域沉积物的运输是由潮流的潮流驱动的,另一个级别由强大的局部波驱动电流驱动。两者相互作用以产生高度复杂的运输模式。叠加风暴和气象强迫的影响会增加并发症。然后,首先设计的建模策略试图隔离和识别贡献过程,从而确保模型设置能够合并和再现它们。尽管灵活的网格方法提供了局部改进,但在该空间尺度上捕获完整的过程却是高度依赖性的,因此需要大量的细化和迭代阶段。该系统已经证明了模拟波电流和波电流相互作用的能力。 Wave blocking, which is common in the Bristol Channel, has caused minor numerical problems. However, these have been easily resolved by adjusting wave-blocking factors effectively cut off the high frequency wave energy causing the problem.


下载完整的演示文稿“ Abpmer/UCL:在英国水域中的灵活网格建模示例”,Oliver Jones在UGM上给出的内容,请单击右侧的链接。

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