环境规划署通过全球国际水域评估(GIWA)等全球计划和保护海洋防止基于陆地污染源(GPA)等全球行动纲领实施这些活动的主要部分。Both programmes comprise evaluation of problems and frameworks for solution for water management and mitigation of pollution, at national level and in areas where more countries are sharing the same water resources or sea area (e.g. the Black Sea, Lake Victoria, the Mekong River, the Nile etc.). Thus, the Centre shall support and represent UNEP e.g. in its dialogue with the countries, implementation of studies, formulation of guidelines, and the convening of workshops leading to the formulation of concrete measures and actions.
UNEP-DHI中心正在丹麦的Hørsholm,最初是3-4的永久员工。该中心是由指导委员会的指导委员会,包括来自Danida,Dhi和环境规划署的管理代表,该机构以70-18-12%的比例为中心提供资金。DHI由国际中心主任TorkilJønch-Clausen教授代表(+45 4516 9208,tjc@dhi.dk.)。
该中心的日常运营由尼尔斯·赫里克·伊普森先生(+45 4516 9518)管理nhi@dhi.dk.)。