Titled ‘The Establishment of Monitoring and Reporting System for the Water Sector in Africa’, the project aims to establish a monitoring and evaluation system for all of Africa’s progress in the water sector, reviewing how well African countries are doing in implementing their policies and reaching their targets for the water sector. The project includes the development of a web-based platform for countries to report their national water sector data to AMCOW in a pre-defined and agreed format. This initiative will help compile and prepare the first annual report under the new monitoring framework to the African Union Summit in 2017.
This project complements DHI and UNEP’s involvement in helping the United Nations (UN) in its ‘water programme’ – to define and implement a monitoring system for water targets, in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030. The SDGs are basically a set of goals relating to future international development, such as ending poverty and hunger, improving health and education, combating climate change, and ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
该项目将由我们的高级水资源专家Henrik Larsen的五位专家团队进行,与Amcow技术秘书处的工作人员密切合作。我们还将与非洲的五个地理子区域的国家利益攸关方协商,是该项目的受益者。

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